- حاشیه مرحوم اصفهانی بر مکاسب، چاپ سنگی. وشیخ انصاری، مکاسب.
- مهندسان مشاور شارمند، شیوه های تحقق طرح های توسعه شهری، جلد دوم، بررسی تجارب تهیه و اجرای طرح های توسعه شهری در ایران،مرکز مطالعات برنامه ریزی شهری، انتشارات سازمان شهرداری ها، تهران،۱۳۷۴٫
ج – قوانین و مقررات مورد استناد مربوط به موضوع
- آیین نامۀ اجرایی قانون حفظ کاربری اراضی زراعی و باغ ها، مصوب ۲۴/۱۰/۱۳۷۴ هیأت وزیران
- قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
- قانون مدنی
- قانون دیوان عدالت اداری
- قانون تأسیس شورای عالی شهرسازی و معماری ایران مصوب ۲۲/۱۲/۱۳۵۱
- قانون تعیین وضعیت املاک واقع در طرح های دولتی و شهرداری ها مصوب ۱۳۶۷
- قانون تغییر نامه وزارت آبادانی و مسکن به وزارت مسکن و شهر سازی و تعیین وظایف آن مصوب ۱۶/۴/۱۳۵۳
- قانون جامع اراضی شهری مصوب ۲۷/۱۲/۱۳۶۰ مجلس شورای اسلامی
- قانون حفاظت و بهره بردای از منابع آبزی جمهوری اسلامی ایران مصوب ۱۴/۶/۱۳۷۴
- قانون حفظ کاربری اراضی زراعی و باغ ها مصوب ۳۱/۴/۱۳۷۴ مجلس شورای اسلامی و اصلاحات سال ۱۳۸۵
- قانون زمین شهری مصوب ۲۲/۶/۱۳۶۶ مجلس شورای اسلامی
- قانون شهرداری مصوب ۱۳۳۴ با اصلاحات و الحاقات بعدی
- قانون نحوۀ تقویم ابنیه، املاک و اراضی مورد نیاز شهرداری ها مصوب ۲۸/۷/۱۳۷۰
- قانون نوسازی و عمران شهری مصوب ۷/۹/۱۳۴۷
- لایحۀ قانونی خرید و تملک اراضی و املاک برای اجرای برنامه های عمومی، عمرانی و نظامی دولت مصوب ۱۷/۱۱/۱۳۵۸
د- آدرس های اینترنتی
On the basis of Islamic jurisprudence rule of Tasleet(the Islamic doctrine granting owners absolute right to deal with their property except in matters in which the law has made an exception) And Article 30 of the Civil code of IR Iran,The owner enjoys any sort of material or legal possession right in their own property,The scope of possessions the owner is entitled to depends on the type and how-ness of the possession. Sometimes, the scope of these possessions causes imposition of loss on the neighbours. The sic uteretuoutallenum non laedas overcomes Tasleet rule mentioned above and prevents probable loss which. In turn, leads to delimitation of ownership of owners, the owner is not delimited by these actions only, but, concerning the population growth, momentary growth of urbanization, rushing of rural manpower to towns and cities, establishment of industrial units on the margins of towns and cities. Ever-increasing growth of settlements, towns, cities, streets, roads, green- spaces, public, hygienic and therapeutic places. And public services, appropriation and acquisition of ownersproperty by the executive institutions has emerged as a social necessity. Therefore, the executive institutions including municipabties, through appropriation of property, purchasing procedures and seizing such property sometimes cause infiingement of ownership rights by misusing their legal authorities. Even on occasions, in addition to delimitation of ownership. They cause expropriation of owners as well which is indicative of injustice and overburdening of people in such cases. On the other hand, the legislators, too, cause delimitation of owners ownership by passing some rules. Of these rules, one can mention the preservation of lands with farming application act approved in 1995 and the relevant amendments ratified in 2006. Deterrnination and change of application is a category leading to misuse on the part of executive institution due to their relation with public rights and, finally, causing infringement of passion rights of persons. Numerousness of judicial claims at the admmistrative tribunal is mdicative of such doubly dealing with the eircumstances of determination and change of application from the viewpoint of statutory, law the necessity of which is undeniable. Efforts shall be made to criticize and analyze the vague aspects of the case as much as possible and the question of the role of application of lands and property in delimitation of ownership in Iranian law shall be replied.
Keywords: Ownership Rights, Change of Application, Preservation of Application, Unutilized Land, Utilized Land.
Islamic Azad University Kermanshah Branch
Faculty of Post-graduate Studies
Thesis for relieving Masters Degree in private law
The Role and Impact of Utilization of Real Estate as a Factor Of Restriction Of Ownership In Iranian Law
Dr. FaramarzBagherabadi